Discover the Elegance of Argentine Tango |
Argentine Tango Vocabulary and Steps

Discover the Elegance of Argentine Tango

Master the Steps, Styles, and Vocabulary with Global Tango Experts

Explore the art of tango with Spiros Sal TanGoNueVo and Maria N Melia at

Learn More About Argentine Tango

Argentine Tango is a passionate, dramatic, and improvisational dance that has evolved over the years, drawing from different cultures and music styles. In this section, you'll find valuable information about tango vocabulary, steps, and history. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced dancer, there's always something new to discover in the world of tango.

Explore different styles, vocabulary, and even take part in workshops with experts like Spiros Sal TanGoNueVo and Maria N Melia.

The World of Tango: By Spiros Sal TanGoNueVo and Maria N Melia

The World of Tango: Embrace, Elegance, and Expression

By Spiros Sal TanGoNueVo and Maria N Melia

The Abrazo: The Heart of Tango

The abrazo (embrace) is the defining feature of tango. Whether danced in salon or apilado styles, the abrazo creates the intimate connection that makes tango unique. In traditional milonguero style, dancers lean slightly into each other, creating the characteristic apilado, where the shared axis enhances the partnership.

Mastering the Tango Walk and Steps

The tango begins with the caminar, the fundamental walk. Every dancer must master change of weight to transition seamlessly between steps like the ocho cortado, ocho atras, or the classic 8-count basic. In the cruzada, the follower crosses their foot elegantly in front of the other, while steps like the boleo add dramatic flair with a whip-like leg motion.

For intricate movements, dancers may use a parada to pause, leading to a pasada, where the follower steps gracefully over the leader’s blocking foot. The calesita (carousel) introduces rotational elegance, and a giro (turn) incorporates molinette sequences with pivots and side steps.

Connection and Musicality

Tango is deeply rooted in the cadencia of the music, whether it’s the slower tempo of traditional tango, the lively rhythm of vals, or the playful speed of milonga. Dancers interpret this rhythm through syncopation, trabada, and dynamic pauses like the corte.

The use of cabeceo and mirada preserves the traditional codigos of tango, ensuring an unspoken understanding between partners. At modern neolongas, dancers may experiment with non-traditional music while respecting the essence of the ronda.

Off-Axis Elegance: Colgada and Volcada

Tango’s versatility allows for advanced techniques like the colgada, where the follower leans away from the leader, or the volcada, which shifts their axis towards the leader. These off-axis moves create dramatic tension and require perfect balance and trust.

Adornos: The Language of Expression

Tango allows dancers to add personal flair through adorno (adornments). Followers often use firulete, drawing intricate patterns on the floor, or amague, a feint before stepping. Leaders and followers alike may execute the gancho, where one leg hooks around the partner’s, or the enrosque, a coiling motion that adds elegance during turns.

A Culture of Community

Tango is as much about the people as the dance. The term milonguero refers to those who frequent tango events, embracing not just the dance but the camaraderie and culture. The cortina (a short musical interlude) signals a break between tandas, offering dancers a moment to reset and socialize.

Created by Spiros Sal TanGoNueVo and Maria N Melia for the global Tango community.

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Argentine Tango Vocabulary and Guide by Spiros Sal TanGoNueVo & Maria N Melia |

Argentine Tango Vocabulary and Guide

By Spiros Sal TanGoNueVo and Maria N Melia

Argentine Tango Vocabulary: Steps, Styles, and Culture
Argentine Tango Vocabulary: Steps, Styles, and Culture

Comprehensive Vocabulary and Glossary for Argentine Tango

Welcome to the world of Argentine Tango, a dance of elegance, passion, and culture. This guide provides a detailed glossary of essential terms to enhance your understanding and appreciation of tango. Curated by renowned tango instructors Spiros Sal TanGoNueVo and Maria N Melia, and hosted on, this is your ultimate resource for mastering the art of tango.

1. Tango Fundamentals

  • Abrazo (Embrace): The core of tango communication, connecting dancers through close or open embrace.
  • Cadencia: Flow of movement, mirroring the rhythm of the music.
  • Caminar (Walk): The essential tango step, performed with grace and precision.
  • Eje (Axis): Balance and posture center for seamless movements.

2. Steps and Movements

  • Ocho: The iconic figure-eight pattern, including forward (adelante) and backward (atrás).
  • Cruzada: A crossing step, central to many sequences.
  • Giro: Circular turns that showcase fluidity and style.
  • Boleo: A dramatic, whipping leg motion performed by the follower.

3. Musicality and Timing

  • Tanda: A set of tango songs played in sequence at a milonga.
  • Cortina: Non-tango music signaling the end of a tanda.
  • Vals: Tango danced to waltz-like, 3/4-time music.

4. Culture and Etiquette

  • Milonga: Both a social dance event and a faster-paced tango style.
  • Codigos: Traditional rules of behavior at a milonga, including cabeceo and mirada.
  • Ronda: The circular flow of dance on the floor.

For more guidance and personalized instruction, connect with Spiros Sal TanGoNueVo and Maria N Melia, global ambassadors of tango excellence. Visit for more details and events in Thessaloniki, Greece.

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