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Το Espero - Tango Escape, που διοργανώνεται από τη Σχολή Χορού Move Up, σας προσκαλεί να ζήσετε ένα αξέχαστο τριήμερο γεμάτο μαγεία και πάθος για το Tango. \n Από τις 21 έως τις 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2025, το φεστιβάλ θα λάβει χώρα στη Θεσσαλονίκη και την Καβάλα, φέρνοντας κοντά λάτρεις του Tango από όλο τον κόσμο.
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Explore the art of tango with Spiros Sal TanGoNueVo and Maria N Melia at TangoThessaloniki.com.
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Βρες τον τρόπο που σου ταιριάζει να έρθεις σε επαφή μαζί μας:
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We are here to help you! Choose the method that suits you:
Argentine tango, Iformation Tango Festivals, Informations milongas, Milonga In Europe, Milonga in Greece, Milonga in Use, Milonga tango party thessaloniki, Milongas in Greece, Secret milonga party, dance, iformations tango Marathons, information, information tango dj thessaloniki, milongas, milongas in World, mini secret milonga thessaloniki, openair milonga tango party thessaloniki, tango, tango 2025
Your ultimate resource for Argentine Tango events, classes, and festivals worldwide.
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Argentine Tango, a dance that blends passion, elegance, and a rich history, has captivated hearts around the world. Its roots trace back to the late 19th century in the bustling neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, where immigrants from various cultures brought their unique musical and dance traditions. This fusion, combined with the socio-economic conditions of the time, gave birth to a distinctive musical and dance style that would become known as tango.
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Σώσε όσες περισσότερες ντάμες μπορείς στην Milonga και γίνε ο MilongaMan της καρδιάς ❤️ τους
Argentine tango, Iformation Tango Festivals, Informations milongas, Milonga In Europe, Milonga in Greece, Milonga in Use, Milonga tango party thessaloniki, Milongas in Greece, Secret milonga party, dance, iformations tango Marathons, information, information tango dj thessaloniki, milongas, milongas in World, mini secret milonga thessaloniki, openair milonga tango party thessaloniki, tango, tango 2025
Uncover the vibrant history and global influence of tango, from its birthplace in Buenos Aires to its passionate communities worldwide.
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We are here to help you! Choose the method that suits you:
Argentine tango, Iformation Tango Festivals, Informations milongas, Milonga In Europe, Milonga in Greece, Milonga in Use, Milonga tango party thessaloniki, Milongas in Greece, Secret milonga party, dance, iformations tango Marathons, information, information tango dj thessaloniki, milongas, milongas in World, mini secret milonga thessaloniki, openair milonga tango party thessaloniki, tango, tango 2025
Imagine a space filled with warm light, the sounds of a bandoneon filling the air. Couples dance in harmony, their bodies moving as one. This is the magic of a tango festival.